ANPP congratulates Richard and Patricia Medus Milford for their gold-certified habitat in the village of Maxie in Acadia Parish between Rayne and Eunice. Several years ago they moved "home" from the Dallas area onto 3+ acres of family land where they have been developing new gardens that serve wildlife. The property already had a diversity of red oaks, live oaks and willow oak. They also have hackberry, winged elm, green ash and mulberry. They also have plenty of beautyberry, yaupon, and flowering vines like Carolina jessamine and trumpet vine. Their pond edge has been planted with Louisiana irises, spider lily and cypress trees, all approved by wood ducks, herons, owls and bluebirds. They are adding natives to a Petite prairie, including rattlesnake master, penstemon, mamou and several milkweed. They now have more "yard jewelry" along with their Monarch Waystation.
Thank you for greauxing native!